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The Women's Bible Commentary - Religiously Inclusive Practice as Evilness?
The Women's Bible Commentary - Religiously Inclusive Practice as Evilness?
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Religiously Inclusive Practice as Evilness? Additional Demarcations of Israelite Identity in Canaan The second introduction in the book of Judges, also going back to the time of Joshua, depicts a faithful Israel that worships God exclusively…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 25 Worship
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 25 Worship
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Worship Men and Women in the Church Leaving aside the introduction (1:1-9) and final remarks, 1 Corinthians is composed of five essays. By way of review, these are: The Cross and Christian Unity (1:10–4:16) Sex: Men and Women in the Human Family (4:17–7:40) Christian and Pagan: F…
Christmas - wise MEN?!
Christmas - wise MEN?!
by Alison Walker
Christmas - have you ever heard of THREE wise MEN?! Overcomes the problem of too many male parts at Christmas by imagining that there were 3 women instead, correcting our misunderstandings of the magi as to their jobs, gifts, method of travel. Cas: Oh no, every year, I…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 31 Women and Men Worshiping
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 31 Women and Men Worshiping
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Women and Men Worshiping The first section in this essay on worship affirmed both women and men in their roles as prophets (11:2-16). Paul suggested that they dress differently to avoid misunderstanding and carry on praying and prophesying. At the end of the essay on worship (14:…
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - I Belong to My Love, and His Desire Is toward Me
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - I Belong to My Love, and His Desire Is toward Me
by SPCK - John Goldingay
I Belong to My Love, and His Desire Is toward Me I once had to review a commentary on the Song for a journal. The author assumed that the Song is about the relationship between a man and a woman and dismissed the idea that under the surface it’s about the relationship between Chr…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 16 Theology of Sexual Practice
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 16 Theology of Sexual Practice
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Essay 2 Sex Theology of Sexual Practice Chapter 6:9-20 has been described as “somewhat disjointed and obscure.” Reason for this has been found in “the unfinished spontaneous nature of these passages.”1 Yet it is possible to see this text as a finely constructed literary whole tha…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 28 The Hymn to Love
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 28 The Hymn to Love
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
The Hymn to Love In many churches the “love chapter” is read only at weddings. Naturally, it is fully appropriate for wedding ceremonies and is a matchless guide for Christian marriage, but Paul clearly intended this hymn to love [see fig. 4.4(1)] to be a model for all of life. I…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 30 Order in Worship
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 30 Order in Worship
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Order in Worship Word—Prophets and Speakers in Tongues Paul’s second discussion on the topic of order in worship is brief. It takes its place in the seven sections of the larger essay as follows: WORSHIP: Men and Women in the Church… Taken from Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes by …
John The People's Commentary - A Samaritan Woman at a Well
John The People's Commentary - A Samaritan Woman at a Well
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
A Samaritan Woman at a Well This gospel‘s geographical setting moves between north and south, from Jesus calling disciples in Galilee (1:43) and the wedding in Cana (2:1) to the temple in Jerusalem (2:13) and Nicodemus’ night visit (3:1)…
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - Proverbs By Topics
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - Proverbs By Topics
by SPCK - John Goldingay
PROVERBS BY TOPICS We have noted that many topics recur in different places in Proverbs. Presumably the compilers intended it that way, to encourage people to reflect on one saying at a time. Proverbs mirrors the Bible as a whole in not being ordered systematically. But there’s a…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 15 Three Roadblocks
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 15 Three Roadblocks
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Essay 2 Sex Three Roadblocks In the previous section of the essay (2.1) Paul cut the Gordian knot. He told the Corinthians to remove the offender from the fellowship of the church. Here he discusses head-on three aspects of this case of incest that must be dealt with. These are n…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 18 Sexual Practice in Harmony with the Gospel